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Bulwick Village Shop, Corby, Northamptonshire

Bulwick Village Shop

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Main Street

NN17 3DY

Telephone: 01780 450774

Camille Ortega McLean opened this delightful 'magical' shop in 2005 with a view to a village shop with a difference! This shop had been a post office and village shop but had been empty for some while. In 2008 her preserves were launched in London Bulwick Village Shop is the home of The Pickled Village - a range of unusual preserves, marmalades, chutneys, relishes & pickles, which are now on the shelves of farm shops, delis & garden centres throughout the U.K. and abroad. in 2016 Camille opened the garden at the back of the shop and The Garden Terrace is now a very popular destination/pit stop for ramblers, cyclists, horse riders, families for delicious snacks, cream teas and meals all day. With a drinks licence also, a chilled glass of beer or wine accompanies the favourite, Tapas or The Perfect Ploughmans lunch. Postage stamps, a dry cleaning service (as an Agent) and local deliveries are offered as well as private and corporate catering. The Pickled Shop is the online arm of the business - launched in 2017 and despatches goodies on behalf of customers home both and abroad to lucky recipients in the U.K. and these include a hand written card. The Huge Hug hamper is clear favourite. The shop won Shop of the Year 2017/2018 from The Great Food Club with an Ace Team which include local villagers.

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How to find us

Directions to this business

-0.581264 52.5368

Opening hours

Monday:09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday:09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday:09:00 – 17:30
Thursday:09:00 – 17:30
Friday:09:00 – 17:30
Saturday:09:00 – 17:30